SACU –European Free Trade Association (SACU EFTA)

SACU has signed a Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries being Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The agreement came into force on the 1st May 2008. Trade between the contracting parties of this Trade Agreement is reciprocal and the duty rates applicable under the SACU-EFTA are at reduced percentages when compared to general rates of duty aplicable on goods imported from countries that Botswana does not have any Trade Ageement with.

In terms of the SACU-EFTA Agreement, qualifying goods originating from Botswana and destined to the EFTA market are subject to reduced tariff rates into that market. Conversely, goods imported into Botswana from EFTA market are subject to reduced rates and should be accompanied by a movement certificate EUR 1

In order for the goods to enjoy these trade concessions, they must be processed or manufactured in Botswana as prescribed under the SACU-EFTA Rules of Origin website

Prior to exportation, traders are required to register with the nearest BURS – Regional Office (Customs and Excise Division).Registration Requirements Traders should also obtain a movement Certificate EUR 1 for every export consignment.