Application for a new connection to a public - Severn Trent Water

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2.4 Ecological Survey Programme - Severn Trent Water

WRMP - STW - Severn Trent Water

G u id an ce n o tes - Severn Trent Water

Application for a new connection to a public sewer guidance notes Sections 106 to 109 Water Industry Act 1991 Form PSG106-109 Please read these guidance notes carefully before completing the attached application form. Part one – general Sewer connections to be made (i) Directly to a public sewer or (ii) Indirectly to a private drain, with the owner’s permission, that in turn discharges to a public sewer. (i) Direct connections If you want to connect domestic flows directly to a public sewer located in the public highway. Self construct – You construct the connection, pipe and demarcation chamber using a competent contractor appointed by you, and on completion and a satisfactory inspection, we take ownership of the pipe between the existing public sewer and the boundary of the property being connected, if the connection is within the public highway. The rest of the pipe located in the premises will remain the owner’s responsibility. As indicated, we shall need to inspect these works and you must give us a minimum of two working days notice of the inspection. Please see the section below regarding charges. Severn Trent Water Ltd (STW) is required by health and safety legislation to assess the competence of your contractor. Consequently, sufficient evidence must accompany the application to enable us to make the assessment. This is set out in the application form. If you elect for option 1 self construct, the construction of the works within the highway must be to a standard that is acceptable to STW. A chamber will be required at the boundary of the property for maintenance purposes. The materials used for the connection and the standards required are as laid down in our “Lateral Drain and Sewer Connections to Sewer Standards” document. Please refer to section 9 Specification. (ii) Indirect connections If you are not connecting directly to the public sewer (i.e. you are connecting to private drainage, with the owner’s permission, that in turn discharges to a public sewer). You construct the connection, pipe and demarcation chamber using a competent contractor appointed by you, this section of pipe will remain the owner’s responsibility. Note: Should the public sewer you wish to connect to be located in private land you will need to complete a SR1 (sewer) or LD1 (lateral drain) form available from New Connections. Please telephone 0800 707 6600 to request a copy. In certain circumstances STW may insist on carrying out the connection of your pipework to our sewer. However, it will only do so where there is valid operational or strategic reasoning (e.g. high flows or deep manholes with internal landing stages or longer than average lengths of pipework). In these circumstances, all our proper and reasonable costs will be charged to you. 1