The Importance of Lifelong Learning

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These days, the corporate world is evolving faster than ever. Industries shift and expand overnight. Job descriptions change, old roles become irrelevant, and new skills are needed. Workers often struggle to keep up.

Because of this, professionals are increasingly prioritizing lifelong learning. This creates job security, opens new doors, and gives workers the skills they need to thrive in their chosen fields.

The Importance of Lifelong Learning Theme

What Is Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning means pursuing education beyond the requirements of formal schooling or corporate training. “Lifelong learners” are individuals who never stop honing their skills and expanding their knowledge. They might be interested in pursuing personal or professional development, such as:

For the purposes of this post, we’re talking about lifelong learning for workers who want to grow their professional skill sets. However, career-related learning can offer benefits that range far beyond the boundaries of a job.

The Benefits of Lifelong Learning

1. Job security

As industries continue to evolve, many employees feel the pressure to stay ahead. Competition for jobs can be tough, and there are always new faces entering the workforce with fresh skills. If you aren’t keeping up with the changing times, you can bet someone else is. According to a survey from the Pew Research Center, 87% of workers think it’s important to seek training and develop new skills throughout their careers.

Lifelong learning allows you to hone your skill set so you can be an asset to your industry for years to come. Plus, by developing your professional abilities, you can demonstrate your commitment to your industry and career. That will go a long way to earning the trust and respect of any employer.

2. Career options

Lifelong learning isn’t just about keeping your old job. It can also open the door to new roles — or even a new career. For example, if your current job isn’t suiting you, you might consider taking an online course that offers a valuable certification in your preferred field. In some cases, this could make a career transition possible without requiring to go back to school.

3. Renewed motivation

Plenty of workers find themselves losing interest in their careers over time. A job becomes routine, mindlessly completing the same boring tasks day after day. What used to be fresh and exciting becomes old hat. Fortunately, lifelong learning can help reignite your passion. Developing new skills may well be the secret to rediscovering what drew you to your career in the first place.

4. Stronger soft skills

Adult continuing education is useful for more than just what it teaches you. The very act of learning new things helps reinforce important soft skills, such as:

Strengthening these character traits will inevitably help in reaching your personal and professional goals.

5. Better cognitive health

Studies have shown that lifelong learning helps improve the health and function of the brain. The mental benefits of learning can include:

Again, these benefits are bound to enhance your efforts in every area of life.

6. Confidence

Self-improvement is key to building confidence. By mastering new skills, you can unlock your potential and boost your self-esteem. And as you use those skills to advance your career, your sense of purpose will only grow.

7. Networking opportunities

Many options for adult continuing education involve working closely with instructors and fellow learners. This allows you to connect with like-minded professionals and grow your personal network. In time, this could create valuable opportunities to take your career in unexpected directions. Even if not, it never hurts to make a new friend in your field.

Begin the Journey of Lifelong Learning Today

Lifelong learning can help you:

If you’re ready to embrace the benefits of lifelong learning, there are plenty of places to start. CFI gives finance and banking professionals the real-world skills they need to excel in their careers through accredited online courses and in-demand certification programs.