8.5 Polar Form of Complex Numbers

“God made the integers; all else is the work of man.” This rather famous quote by nineteenth-century German mathematician Leopold Kronecker sets the stage for this section on the polar form of a complex number. Complex numbers were invented by people and represent over a thousand years of continuous investigation and struggle by mathematicians such as Pythagoras , Descartes , De Moivre, Euler , Gauss , and others. Complex numbers answered questions that for centuries had puzzled the greatest minds in science.

We first encountered complex numbers in Complex Numbers. In this section, we will focus on the mechanics of working with complex numbers: translation of complex numbers from polar form to rectangular form and vice versa, interpretation of complex numbers in the scheme of applications, and application of De Moivre’s Theorem.

Plotting Complex Numbers in the Complex Plane

Plotting a complex number a + b i a + b i is similar to plotting a real number, except that the horizontal axis represents the real part of the number, a , a , and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part of the number, b i . b i .

How To

Given a complex number a + b i , a + b i , plot it in the complex plane.

  1. Label the horizontal axis as the real axis and the vertical axis as the imaginary axis.
  2. Plot the point in the complex plane by moving a a units in the horizontal direction and b b units in the vertical direction.